The Real Deal, Louis Vuitton!

As you can see my bag is The Real Deal, Louis Vuitton (lol). I felt like switching my black (Zara) everyday bag out with something new today, so I choose this fake Louis Vuitton bag I bought in Czech Republic ages ago, when I didn’t have any fashion taste and literally didn’t know the word combination. I felt the bag would be the right fit for this look, to give it some “life”. Even though a black simple bag would give it a classic all black look.

The title was inspired by a question, one of my classmates asked, Is your Bag Real?!? LOL. I thought bitch are you serious, this bag is as fake as it can be. I thought it was so funny.

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Shoes By Converse//Top By H&M//Leather Jacket By H&M//Sunglasses By H&M//Bowler hat By H&M//Tikka By Asos…

Lmao, I just realized that almost my whole outfit is from H&M.



Au Revoir, peepz!

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